জনপ্রিয় পোস্টসমূহ

মঙ্গলবার, ১২ নভেম্বর, ২০১৩

Rakhaine marriage rituals and its change : Bangladesh Perspective

After the understanding between the matured Rakhaine boys and girls, they proposed each other by their family members.
Mumnmg Ba Aung’ said that the guardians of the sons search a suitable girl for their sons. ([1]) 

There is also the selection of “Good Day and Good Timetable”. Then, on a unpair day, the relatives have to go to fix the date by looking upon the Rakhaine book. But, the divorce, widow, second marriage women can not go to this visit. This is the way; the people go to the bride’s house. After seeing the date of the birth of bride, the both people fixed their speech.

The Rakhaine said that they have great attempt to reserve their children’s birth date. In the period, they wrote it in the leaf and they reserved it by withering it like valuable papers. The monks calculate the future life of the bride and bridegroom by seeing their by not seeing any complication. The Rakhaine think that the bride and bridegroom can not be happy or can be unhappy in family by the complication. The Rakhaine think that three month are bad times for the marriage of mature bridegroom and bridge. These months are the rising of the moon of “July” (Oyasolar), “August” (Oyakhonla), and “September” (Tochala) before the rising of the moon of “October” (Ojoila). For question, the Rakhaine replied that the monks and Rakhaine people are absorbed in prayer in this day. For that, the marriage works are stopped in those months and the worst times are thought the month of “January” (Prachola). There is a public opinion that the family who do not believe this, their family can not be long or they pass bad times. They tell very ‘good (Kongo Kaure) when they fix the date and the young boys and girl attend the ceremony in a body. They proposed to give money for their own occasion (Bora Kha Tango Pi). There is running a bargain. They become happy by taking 5,000-10,000 taka. They amuse themselves by taking this. The bridegroom present 5-6 Vori gold and there is a quarrel by saying that the bride stay in her father house or father in law’s house. At a time all things has come out. The both family take preparation when the marriage day is being deleted. On the following day, all people go to the bride’s family. But before the day, the preparation is being completed in the bride’s house among them, the gate, pandel, sound, own cultural song, dance, wine of “Mehud Pan” are one of them. The bridegroom wears violet color cloth and takes a sword in his hand. Then, all the people burst out enjoyment. Then there starts a bargain in the   bride’s house. The young girl becomes happy in a few stages. Then the step of the permission is the entrance of the bride’s family. 

But, why there is a sword in the bridegroom’s house, in reply they said that it was started from the ancient time. The Rakhaine said that the come home from the bride’s house. The priest takes an hour to end the occasion of marriage. There is no written paper in the Rakhaine’s marriage system. They complete their marriage by the mouth speech. The Rakhaine can not marriage the brides elder sister but they can marry the younger scoter of the bride when they are divorcee or remarriage or the remaining of wife or not.

“Maung Ba Aung” has said that there is no occasion in the divorce and remarriage system ([2]). He also says that the bridegroom can not marry the brides own sister when the bride remain alive Again, the absence of wife, the bridegroom can marry the brides younger sister but not the older sister.

The Rakhaine propose the bride’s family first on there the oldest man or parents can be the proposed.
Maung Ba Aug has said that the relative’s friends can communicate the primary occasion with the bride house ([3]).  When the proper appear at the bride’s house they have been fed with great dignity. There Bine rice besides with sea fish, meat etc.

The boy or girl can marry by liking each other but, the parents can agree with their children’s marriage. Again the boys and girl marry when the parents do not give agreement in their love. In present marriage system, there is a notice able thing that the parents give a chance to next the bride and bridegroom each other. But, this system has been extracted nowadays. This thing has been said in the Maung Ba Aung’s book. For that, he has taken the developed communication technology and information. But the older think that there will be seen by marrying liking each other. So they do not insult their children’s work rather than they prefer their children’s happiness. The marriage place is in the bride’s house.
But here is a change in it. For example, the marriage place is now in the community place. So there is a priority in financial natters. This is quite impossible for a middle order or rich man. As the marriage occasion is not limited in their community, so the food’s menu is now changing. The Rakhaine invite their Muslim and Hindu neighbor besides their own relatives. So, they take some steps in choosing the food’s menu. Because, the Hindu does not eat the meat of cow, so there is the meet of hen and goat.

There is a chef for cook. The chef selects the all items. As the Rakhaine are the Buddhist they do not kill any animal, so, they take help from other to collect the goat’s meet. There is a priority in the food’s menu like Bini rice, sea fish, meat, soas, various kinds of piths etc.  They take it serious for their communistically problem. But the starting of the food item is the tea. The tea is different to us from, them. Because, they give salt in it and for reason, as there is salt in the water of the Rakhaine they do it, and it is very popular with them. The occasion stats bettor one or two bays. Because, there is a festival look every where.

Maung Ba Aung has presented it on his book. He has said in his discussion that the house of new couple is decorated nicely. ([4])

There is a lighting everywhere and the house are decorated by flowers, different color of clothes, page and amusing balloon. Generally, the middle of the house is selected the marriage place. There is a sound system in which they play different song loudly. But, in the pant, there is no sound system like nowadays. That time was the microphone system. But, the present youth prefer sound box to microphone and dancing. As there is no dowry system in Rakhaine tribe, so there is no problem to break up the marriage in any family problem.

Before the day of marriage, the bride invites her close friends and the bridegrooms also do that to participate in their marriage. The boy friends invite a “Bachelor night” or “chocolate party” to awes themselves, its main principle is to do a happy festival.

The time of this festival is from 12 am to 1 am. The youth drink wine and play dance with their music in the festival. But there is a line it in drinking the wine. There is a look anyone can not be drunkard. But inn many cases, the boys drink a lot. But in the Rakheine marriage system, the Rakhaine youth generation play a great role.

The rich man plays a stage show to amuse themselves in the marriage occasion, in where the Rakhaine boys and girls amuse themselves.  The Rakhaine girls play jokes better the marriage day. In a fined time they go to their home. But anyone can be with the bride in the whole night. 

The previous day of marriage the bride is bathed by the leat. It is a holy thing to the Rakaine people. So, the bride will be happy by bathing into this way.

So few days ago before marriage, the Buddhist monk is taken in the house. In the marriage day the monk go to the fined house in bridegroom’s house and he says the religious rule and various things. Inn that time, the relatives, friends and parents are present. In the same way, the monk (Bante) goes to the bride’s house to say the religions rule. The monk bade farewell by praying well-wishing. Then the bride or bridegroom’s parents present gold made ornament, money. On this time the new couple takes pray from the parents. Then the second session of presenting is started. In this time, the relatives resent nice things by going in the new couple’s home. On this there is priority of the daily uses of new couple rather money. Though the past rule was to give money, but new this thing has been changed. The new couples have to take some reules.

When people come to give this thing the authority have to keep betel leaf, cigarette, or wishing card. The new couple distributes this thing to the coning relations.

“Maung Ba Aung” has showed the way of saying religions rule by the monk in his book besides he has said the rules of giving present to the new couple in his hook. ([5])

Though the monk say the religions rule to the new couple in the morning but the main occasion will start on the afternoon. As the Rakhaine are the male dominated, so the occasion is started on the bride’s house. When the bridegroom’s people go to the bride’s house, they make a line maintaining. In this case the old get the priority of going ahead, then the life of brother, sister and at the last, the bridegroom come in the line. In this case, Maung Ba Aung says in his Book that a group of wife’s carry a bowl which front paint looks like “Pagoda” or “Jadi” and they go to the bride’s house. In this bowl there are the gold ornament dresses, cosmetics, fresh flower bride. In the marriage system, the Rakhaine take everything in pairs. For example, there is pair of potato, a pair of fish, a pair of apple etc.

The people use transport went they go too far for the bride’s house. But, they used to make line to opera before the transport. The friends of bridegroom take a briefcase or bag to keep the bed cloth, the pipe of smoking the pot of betel leaf, fan etc. The Rakhaine boys go to the marriage traditionally. The boy’s dresses are two kinds. One is the shirt with long sleeves and on this shirt there is like something petticoat, and with that there is a long cloth. The long shirt is the violet colour. There are two cross bar on this petticoat (this bar is generally the silver colour).

The Rakhaine boys wear a crown on his head that is also the brown colour. The second part is the “Barmij Lungi”. The Rakhaine bridegrooms wear the shirt in with the Lungi. Generally, this dress has to export from Myanmar. Because this dress is a cloth on which the dress generally does not wear on every time. There is a “sword” in the bridegroom’s house.

The bride’s dress his generally two parts. The first part is the blouses which reach to the waist and the second part is the “Barmij Lungi”. The girls make their hair attractive and they generally adorn their hair with flower. The brides also wear a long cloth.

When the bridegroom reach to the bride’s house the relatives of hime enter into the room directs but the bridegroom enter into the room with his close friends. The friends and the bridegroom take rest by seating a rant. On this time the friends, younger sister make fun with the bridegroom and the bridegroom give away “Khai”, “Perfume water” etc. The main thing of them is the “Perfume fine rice”.  They mix the rice with the same kind of rice from the brides house and make a food named Mangolic which cam be called “Payesh”.

The bride is adorned with various items; especially the bride is aborted with the ornament by the bridegroom and bride’s house giving. In the marriage, the bridegroom gives “Ason” on the presence to the all for the bride. This process is generally priority to the mother, sister. The bridegroom enters the bride’s room in a fired time. But this entrance has an own style, the bridegroom has to hit on the gerund or staircase by the sword before the entrance. The present Rakhaine girls are very much conscious about the adornment. So they go to the beauty parlar to take away their highest beauty.

This beauty Parlier is generally directed by the Rakhaine girls. The bridegroom has to pay many to the bride’s friends or younger sister before entering the bride’s house. And for this money, they wash away the tag of the bridegroom. Because they believe that before going to the bride’s house by not washing away hands and legs, it is bad to them. The bridegroom has to wash his hands by the keeping water in the front of the bride’s house.

“Maung Ba Aung” ([6]) has discussed it very nicely. He said, which his generally matched by my real experience in the field. But the rule of entering the bride’s house by cutting a lace is not generally found in Cox’s Bazar but in the region of Patuakhali, Barguna. But in my real experience, I have acknowledged that the bridegroom can enter into the bride house when he cuts the lace and after this, the sedentary people scatter flower to the bridegroom and his friends. In the marriage seating place, the old or friend or relatives of bridegroom sit besides him.

On the other side, there has come some change in the bride’s favour. Now-a-days, there is not available any lady in there. The marriage occasion start by following the religious rule. Then, the bride and bridegroom are tied by cotton. The cotton has five circles. They follow the rules of seating the couple, for example, the bride has to seat left beside the bridegroom. The bride’s right hand’s short finger has been placed to the bridegroom’s left hand short finger. Because, they believe that they will be remain happy with love.

Maung Ba Aung has showed it in his book. The new couple’s hands have been replaced on each other and they have been pured by the “Rose apple” water. As the “Rose apple” water is holy to them, they consider it as a holy in their mind and Buddhist religion. The bridegroom gives his crown on the bride’s head and the brides also do that and then the bride take wish from the bridegroom.
The bridegroom presents gift for the wish of the bride. After that the bridegroom and the bride have to eat seven times a wishing pot. On this time they throw nice water by believing that it wills increase their happiness in life. A there is no written deal in the marriage, the new couple declared to live in the society. After finishing the occasion the bride has to make his bridegroom drink and the bridegroom also do the same. Then the bride hold a mirror in front of the bridegroom and the bridegroom also do that to see each others face. The bride covers her face with a cloth before that. Then the eating system is started. There is a difference in this system. For example the bride’s people have to eat on seating a special “chair” and “piri”. The table’s height is the one or one halt hand and the piri is one foot or the same.   

There has come a change in this system although the other people eat on seating high chair and table. Because the rich are arrangeing the occasion in community centres now. So, they have to eat on seating high chair and table. But in the brides house the Rakhaine follow the above thing. The food menu is the sea-fishes, shutki, meat, saus, white rice, Bini rice payesh etc. There is a broad list in the bridegroom’s food menu. The frionds gets different items berides that. The friends and relatives of him also eat that food. After eating the younger sister, friends of bride make him wash in his hands, and legs.

The bridegroom has to pay money inn lieu of this. The relatives coming to the brides house, has to give a gift. But they generally pay money and give the necessary things for using. The priest goes to the place in the morning and after that he goes out. The friends of the bride pass their time by singing and dancing. After the occasion the grandparents or aunt (parental) go with the bride. The head teacher of Barmij Primary school named “Ume” says the younger sister go with her occasionally.

But, the old shies   different from the comment of the teacher. They also omit one speech with the teacher. And that is the relatives who go with the bride she has to sleep between the new couple. The old says that it does not happen anytime. They agree with the teacher inn the following case. The bridegroom keeps a sword between them. The new peek for bride is the bridegroom’s house. The new couples generally go to bride’s house in between 3 or 10 day after their marriage. But the interesting point is that the bridegroom can not stay at the first night in the bride’s house. Before dusk, he has to go his own home.

But after the next arrival, he can stay in the bride’s home. The socialist of big Rakhaine has said that it has no comments. The son’s family can not claim anything because there is no dowry system in the Rakhaine community. But, the girl’s family can provide necessary things for their girl’s happiness. And the new couples start their life in this way.


[1]. Maung Ba Aung (Maung Ba); (1st edition: 30 April 2008), “Nga Ro Rakhaing”; Publish by Maung Mang Nine (Maung Mang), p. 151.

[2]. Maung Ba Aung; (2008), “Nga Ro Rakhaing” Published by Maung Mang Nine (Maung Mang); P-151. 
[3]. Maung Ba Aung; (2008), “Nga Ro Rakhaing” Published by Maung Mang Nine (Maung Mang); P-151. 
[4]. Maung Ba Aung; (2008), “Nga Ro Rakhaing” Published by Maung Mang Nine (Maung Mang); P-152. 
[5]. Maung Ba Aung; (2008), “Nga Ro Rakhaing” Published by Maung Mang Nine (Maung Mang); P-152. 
[6]. Maung Ba Aung; (2008), “Nga Ro Rakhaing” Published by Maung Mang Nine (Maung Mang); P-153. 

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