জনপ্রিয় পোস্টসমূহ

শনিবার, ১৬ নভেম্বর, ২০১৩

“Rakhaine Birth rituals and its change: Bangladesh Perspective”

Md: Ashadul Islam
Indigenous Cultural Writer

Generally child in Rakhaine community is born at the house of bride’s father-in-law. In this regard there is no hard and first that the first child has to be born at the house of daughters father but sometimes child probability mother can go to the house of her father with the agree of both families. Before Rakhaine mothers went to some women who were expert in the respect of giving child birth because of science and technological advancement. A mother has to remain five days in a room where he brought forth a child. Before bringing forth some special selections are done. At this time a mother needs to eat more nutritious foods. As a result they keep the child bearing mother far from fat food. In this case they do not eat meat and potato. But they do not eat fish to the point. At first they burn fish on fire, and then they eat. And as nutritious food they eat more bindweed, vegetable creeper, bean etc. Their idea is that bean is more nutritious. At the time of bringing forth and after it the food menu again becomes wide. Especially after birth they can eat all kinds of food. Many relatives come to see the child bearing mother after bringing forth. They come taking different types of gifts, such as biscuits, fruit, dress, soap etc. 

Mong Ba Aung has showed the Birthday Festival of child in his discussion. After coming out from the room where a mother gives birth they have to wash everything’s of the house in the pond. In this respect beside the females of the house other females five months of child birth it is to puncture the ear of the child. And this work is done by the elderly Rakhaine women. Money, rice, chilli, Onion etc have to be given to the elderly women as gift. Again in some causes these women get gold, silver according to their ability. In this punctured ear the wear ear-ring, the names of these ear rings are exceptional like “No Dhong”. In the hands of the child bangle, in the legs and waist different things are tied. In their language these are called “La Kau”. But the main ceremony about newborn is done from three months within a year child birth. Those who come before child bearing are entertained them with various things. Generally the name of child is kept from three months within a year. In order to observe this day many ceremonies are arranged by inviting the intimate relatives. In this day the name of child is selected. The function of selecting name is generally completed by the priest because Rakhaine parents can not keep the name of child though the wish. In this regard food is offered in Buddhist Bihar and before offering food in which day the child has been born, time of born and the first letter of parents are told to priest. The name of new child is selected from the collection of name remained to priest, they name of Rakhaine child generally becomes with three words. Such as Mong U Sen (Male), Mong Ba Aung (male), Ume king Nu (female), and this point has been discussed at length by Mong Ba Aung. He says that, the term “Way” can be kept at any place of the name of elder son and daughter. Every name of Rakhaine baby bears a religious meaning. As called name is generally with two words.

Maung Ba Aung is mentioned. But, though parents can not give main name of the baby, they can give the name their hobby. In this regard that name is alias. After birth they go to visit the house of grandparents three months later. In first time Rakhaine mothers take new baby with them, they can not sleep at night. The ceremony of the birth of Rakhaine new baby is so gorgeous. As a result many guests are invited. When the guests come, they are entertained with various fruits, sweets etc. Besides there are rice, meat, the fish of sea etc.

Now some changes have come in Rakhaine community which are discussed with them. As many elder Rakhaines did not see birth ceremony but at present they can see all the ceremonies which are observing and they are being able to adopt themselves with them. The rich families observe birthday every year gorgeously. In birthday they get many gifts from the relatives. Among all gifts most of the gifts are toy of children or important things. And through this process a Rakhaine baby turns over a new leaf and other Rakhaine’s believe from their mind that all happiness of life lies in it.

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